Iowans Favor Eliminating State Income Tax
Iowans want their taxes cut and support legislative efforts to reduce their property and income tax burden. It’s plain as day.
By a 2-1 margin, Iowans favor gradually reducing the state’s income tax until it is eliminated, according to a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

Senator Dan Dawson and Representative Bobby Kauffman have introduced an income tax reform bill to accelerate existing rate cuts and gradually eliminate the income tax.
Based on overwhelming support from taxpayers, legislators should be confident and continue to lead the charge on tax cuts. Iowans want tax relief!
If there’s an argument that this isn’t the right year to eliminate or this isn’t the right year to do a property tax cut, okay, we want to be smart. Good policy should win. But the voices saying not to cut income taxes need to be taken with a giant grain of salt.
Critics of further tax reform often recycle the argument that Iowa cannot afford additional tax cuts and predict budget crises. They are wrong.
Since 2018, Governor Kim Reynolds and the legislature have responsibly enacted pro-growth income and property tax reforms. These tax reforms have allowed taxpayers to keep more of their income.
Legislators should continue listening to taxpayers and avoid being swayed by special interests pushing for increased government spending or local officials seeking greater access to your money.
Lawmakers have a chance to implement significant tax reform that could impact generations, and there is strong support among Iowans for them to seize this opportunity and proceed.