Without transparency, we’d never know if our tax dollars were being spent wisely, or even if they were subject to fraud. So far, Governor Reynolds is delivering the transparency Iowans deserve.
In response to the coronavirus, the federal government has sent billions of dollars to Iowa. Through various programs, with various sets of rules, Washington, D.C. has asked our state and local governments to distribute those funds across Iowa.
We all know money from Washington isn’t free. In fact, federal tax dollars came from our pocketbooks to begin with! Without transparency, we’d never know if our tax dollars were being spent wisely, or even if they were subject to fraud.
Fortunately in Iowa, Governor Reynolds, along with the Department of Management and the Legislative Services Agency, has done a great job of providing that transparency.
Iowa's Pandemic Recovery Report contains interactive graphs and maps that show where dollars have come from, what department they’ve gone to, and even what projects in specific communities they’ve supported. As additional information is provided, this will be even more helpful for Iowans to quickly and easily get a sense of how federal COVID support dollars are being spent throughout the state.
If you’re someone who really wants to dig into data, this LSA Financial Update provides even more detail. For instance, the amount of funding allocated to each of Iowa’s colleges and universities through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund within the CARES Act is detailed in the LSA report. Similarly, COIVD relief dollars that have gone to K-12 education in Iowa are outlined there, too.
Iowa taxpayers, as well as the media and the legislature, have a right to know where all of these federal relief dollars are going. So far, Governor Reynolds is delivering the transparency Iowans deserve.