Don’t Just Rearrange the Property Tax Deck Chairs

Legislators, your constituents are crying out for real relief. The only way to deliver the results Iowans expect is to stand firm and tell local governments to limit their spending.
The only thing growing faster than property tax bills is the anger over them. In 20 years, property taxes have grown 110 percent while inflation was 61 percent. Family budgets can’t keep up with local government budgets.
Local elected officials are so wrapped up in their next building project, soccer stadium, glass cathedral, or business incentives that they won’t stop. So, it’s incumbent upon the legislature to make them stop. There is no other solution.
Legislators: Don’t Just Rearrange the Deck Chairs
There is no magical formula where if we move this pot of money over here, change this formula, and adjust the assessments, that will fix the problem. That won’t work. All that does is make people mad because you’re doing something they don’t understand that doesn’t yield results.
Iowa has the opportunity to be a national leader in addressing high property taxes by focusing on the root of the problem: local government spending.
Learn from State Government
Saying “no” is hard. Every community has special interests pushing for more money, and local leaders want to stay popular.
Iowa’s local governments can learn a lot from how the state manages its budget. Under Governor Reynolds and the legislature, Iowa has lowered income tax rates by controlling spending. The same idea can help with property taxes. Local governments need to limit their spending, focusing on important services instead of spending money on things that aren’t necessary.
Iowans are crying out for real relief. The only way to deliver the results Iowans expect is to stand firm and tell local governments to control their spending.
Learn more about controlling property taxes from the ITR Live podcast: