At a roundtable hosted by ITR and NFIB-Iowa, Representative Ashley Hinson and Senator Dan Zumbach talked about:
- Property Taxes
- Inheritance Taxes
- Tax Credits
- Government Spending
- Education
- Ag Economy
- Job Creation
- Regulations
Here are some of their comments:
“We want to just remove the inheritance tax. It is your property; do with it what you want.”
“When you are trying to add a tax credit here, a tax credit there, and fix something over here, it is a sure-fire sign that your tax code it too complicated. The ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for tax credits because tax rates will be low enough.”
“Cities and counties play games with levy rates and assessments. We need more transparency.”
“We are trying to get rid of the capital gains tax. Just because you did well, should you be punished for it?”